Mesh Boolean ============ Boolean operation is one of the fundamental operations for 3D modeling. It combines two or more solid shapes (say :math:`A` and :math:`B`) by checking if a point :math:`x` lies inside of each solid. Four commonly used binary boolean operations are: * Union: :math:`A \cup B := \{ x \in \mathbb{R}^3 \mid x \in A \textrm{ and } x \in B \}` * Intersection: :math:`A \cap B := \{ x \in \mathbb{R}^3 \mid x \in A \textrm{ or } x \in B \}` * Difference: :math:`A \setminus B := \{ x \in \mathbb{R}^3 \mid x \in A \textrm{ and } x \notin B \}` * Symmetric difference: :math:`A \textrm{ XOR } B := (A \setminus B) \cup (B \setminus A)` The following figure illustrates the output of boolean operations on a sphere and a cube: .. image:: _static/boolean.png :width: 90% :align: center Boolean Interface ----------------- PyMesh provides support for all four operations through third party boolean *engines*. For example, computing the union of ``mesh_A`` and ``mesh_B`` can be achieved with the following snippet:: >>> mesh_A = pymesh.load_mesh("A.obj") >>> mesh_B = pymesh.load_mesh("B.obj") >>> output_mesh = pymesh.boolean(mesh_A, mesh_B, ... operation="union", ... engine="igl") The interface is very minimal and self-explanatory. The available operations are ``"union"``, ``"intersection"``, ``"difference"`` and ``"symmetric_difference"``. PyMesh supports the following boolean engines: * ``"igl"``: Boolean module from libigl, which is also the default engine for 3D inputs. * ``"cgal"``: Naf polyhedron implementation from CGAL. * ``"cork"``: Cork boolean library. * ``"carve"``: Carve boolean library. * ``"corefinement"``: The unpublished boolean engine also from CGAL. * ``"clipper"``: 2D boolean engine for polygons, the default engine for 2D inputs. The following attributes are defined in the ``output_mesh``: * ``source``: A per-face scalar attribute indicating which input mesh an output face belongs to. * ``source_face``: A per-face scalar attribute representing the combined input face index of an output face, where combined input faces are simply the concatenation of faces from ``mesh_A`` and ``mesh_B``. A Simple Example ---------------- As a simple example, we are going to operate on the following objects: * Mesh A (`pymesh.ply <_static/pymesh.ply>`_) contains the extruded text ``PyMesh``. * Mesh B (`plate.ply <_static/plate.ply>`_) contains an extruded wavy plate. To compute their intersection:: >>> A = pymesh.load_mesh("pymesh.ply") >>> B = pymesh.load_mesh("plate.ply") >>> intersection = pymesh.boolean(A, B, "intersection") >>> # Checking the source attribute >>> intersection.attribute_names ('source', 'source_face') >>> intersection.get_attribute("source") array([ 1., 1., 0., ..., 1., 1., 1.]) The operation is illustrated in the following figure: .. image:: _static/boolean_illustration.png :width: 90% :align: center The attribute ``source`` tracks the *source* of each output face. 0 means the output face comes from the first operand, i.e. ``pymesh.ply``, and 1 means it is from the second operand, i.e. ``plate.ply``. The ``source`` attribute is useful for assigning the corresponding colors in the output mesh. CSG Tree -------- While binary boolean operations are useful, it is often necessary to perform a number of operations in order to create more complex results. A Constructive Solid Geometry tree, aka.CSG tree, is designed for this purpose. .. image:: _static/csg_tree.png :width: 90% :align: center As illustrated in the figure above, CSG tree provides a structured way of building complex shapes from simple ones. Each node in the tree represents a 3D shape. Leaf nodes represent user input shapes. A non-leaf node consists of a boolean operation and a number of child nodes. The shape it represents can be obtained by performing the specified boolean operation on shapes from its children. In particular, ``union`` and ``intersection`` node can have any number of children (i.e. N-ary union and N-ary intersection), but ``difference`` and ``symmetric_difference`` nodes must have exactly two children. PyMesh represents CSG tree using ``pymesh.CSGTree`` class. Given the `input meshes <_static/>`_, one can construct and evaluate a CST tree using the following code:: >>> ball = pymesh.load_mesh("ball.stl") >>> box = pymesh.load_mesh("box.stl") >>> x = pymesh.load_mesh("x.stl") >>> y = pymesh.load_mesh("y.stl") >>> z = pymesh.load_mesh("z.stl") >>> csg = pymesh.CSGTree({ "difference": [ { "intersection": [{"mesh": box}, {"mesh": ball}] }, { "union": [{"mesh": x}, {"mesh": y}, {"mesh": z}]} ] }) >>> output = csg.mesh Notice that the constructor of ``CSGTree`` takes a python dictionary as argument. The entire tree structure is captured in the dictionary. The context free grammar for this dictionary is:: Node -> {Operation : Children} Node -> {"mesh": Mesh} Node -> CSGTree Children -> [Node, Node, ...] Operation -> "union" | "intersection" | "difference" | "symmetric_difference" where ``Mesh`` is a ``pymesh.Mesh`` object and ``CSGTree`` is a ``pymesh.CSGTree`` object. One can construct the entire tree all together as shown above or build up the tree incrementally:: >>> left_tree = pymesh.CSGTree({ "intersection": [{"mesh": box}, {"mesh": ball}] }) >>> right_tree = pymesh.CSGTree({ "union": [{"mesh": x}, {"mesh": y}, {"mesh": z}] }) >>> csg = pymesh.CSGTree({ "difference": [left_tree, right_tree] }) >>> left_mesh = left_tree.mesh >>> right_mesh = right_tree.mesh >>> output = csg.mesh